Temple University
GAID at Tyler School of Art is known for the quality and rigor of its BFA and MFA programs. GAID’s mission is to educate designers who aspire to practice design for communication at the most creative levels of the profession. Tyler’s graduates are working in all areas of the design industry. The GAID facilities in Tyler’s new home on Temple’s main campus are spacious and state-of-the art. Tyler students have ready access to a rich array of academic courses. The proximity to students from Temple’s many programs in academics and the arts offers the breadth of experience that is essential to the designer’s education. ____________________ Courses in the BFA program introduce students to an extensive design vocabulary and instruct them in skills they need for the successful execution of creative ideas. Students receive instruction from faculty who are practicing graphic and interactive designers with established reputations in the field. The design curriculum emphasizes the preparation of students for the demands of design practice while encouraging a personal direction in their work. Senior courses focus on the development of a body of work that is assembled into a final portfolio. GAID majors have access to dedicated studios with hardware and software that meet current industry standards. The curriculum allows students to develop work in both print and interactive design. The Senior Portfolio course, required for all GAID majors, focuses on the development and presentation of a professional portfolio and advises students about career opportunities in the field. For more information about GAID’s undergraduate program, including requirements: www.temple.edu/tyler Or at GAID's own website: www.temple.edu/gaid