Legal Terms
Call For Entries
By submitting, the entrant hereby agrees to the following:
Any entry that has infringed upon any of its country of origin’s laws or voluntary or regulatory codes of practice is not eligible. In the case of the United Kingdom, this will include the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion and BSI. It is the responsibility of the entrant to withdraw such work. If for any reason an accepted entry has to be withdrawn, all production costs incurred will be charged to the entrant.
Property of Entries
All materials that accompany or form part of an Entry will become the sole property of Graphis. Accordingly, Graphis will not return any items and will not be responsible for their loss or damage.
By submitting an Entry the Entrant hereby grants Graphis, its agents and assigns, a non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual license to publish, exhibit and use the Entry in any medium, provided that the Entry is awarded acceptance into the Graphis publications. This license is limited to the promotion and publication of the Graphis Annual or Journal to which the Entry was submitted, any subsequent Graphis anthology or historical publication, and any public or private Graphis exhibition.
This includes without limitation print, electronic media and broadcast, for the life of the Graphis publication(s). In each case, Graphis agrees to give credit to the author/copyright owner of the work. Further, Graphis agrees to refer any additional requests for the use of these images that are outside the scope of this License, directly to the author/copyright owner.
Graphis does not share personal information with the websites and sponsors who partner with Graphis and is not responsible for their privacy practices.
*This legal text has been revised to better protect the interests of both parties, with the help of APA
Copyright Infringements
Any design, photography, advertising, art/illustration work must be completely original. No content owned by another copyright holder can be used or submitted unless the entrant has been granted specific usage rights. If a New Talent student project is selected and documentation of specific usage rights cannot be supplied, the project will be disqualified. Graphis is not liable or responsible for any copyright infringement on the part of an entrant, and will not become involved in copyright disputes or legal actions.
By submitting an Entry, the Entrant warrants that he or she is entitled to grant the License referred to above and that it has obtained all necessary permissions, usage rights, and waivers of moral rights from all third parties who contributed to or commissioned the Entry. These include, without limitation, the Advertiser whose goods or services are promoted by the entry, as well as Producers, Directors, Photographers, Illustrators and Performers, together with the owners of any trade or service marks, whether registered or not. The Entrant also warrants that the credits and information in the Entry are correct and that Graphis’s publication and use of those credits and information will not infringe any moral or other rights of the Entrant or any third party.
Indemnity and Non-liability
Entrant agrees to indemnify Graphis from any costs, expenses, or damages, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of the breach or alleged breach of the above representations and warranties. Entrant agrees that Graphis shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from acts or omissions of Entrant, including but not limited to the payment of any money owed to interested third parties.
Right to Withdraw Entries and/or Content
Graphis reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any Entry and/or Content. Graphis reserves the right, for any reason, not to publish the book for which the Call for Entries was intended. Graphis further reserves the right, for any reason, not to publish content to the blog or website.
No Refunds
Under no circumstances will refunds be issued to Entrants. These fees are intended to cover the costs of administration, processing & judging the Entry. Under no circumstances will refunds be issued for Professional Memberships.
New Talent Entries
By using the trademarks and logos in these student projects, neither the schools nor the faculty and students intend to imply any sponsorship, affiliation, endorsement, or other association with the trademark and logo owners. The student projects were executed strictly for noncommercial, educational purposes. Please note that student work created for mock clients should be submitted to the New Talent Annual ONLY; please do not submit student work to our Professional Annuals if it was not created for a real client.
접수 조건
접수자는 다음 조건에 동의해 주십시오.
여러분의 작품이 본국의 법률에 위반되거나 의도적 혹은 규율적으로 반하는 것이라면 접수 대상에서 제외됩니다. 만약의 경우 이런 작품이 접수되어 서적 출판에 사용되었을 경우, 접수자는 제작 비용을 부담할 의무가 있습니다.
출품작은 반환되지 않습니다.
당선된 작품은 Graphis가 출판하는 서적들, 판매 증진을 위한 책자 그리고 다양한 종류의 미디어에 사용될 수 있습니다. 저희는 작품의 저작권을 침해하지 않으며, 작품 사용에 대한 저작자의 요구를 존중합니다.
출품하신 작품의 안전을 보증합니다. 또한, 작품 제작에 관여했던 모든 분들의 성명을 기입해 드립니다.
Graphis는 출품작의 손상이나 비용 미 지불에 관련된 어떤 법적 비용을 부담할 의무가 없습니다.
자사의 출판 계획의 변동이나 판단에 따라 출품작을 특정 기간 동안 보유하고 있을 수 있습니다. 그러나 작품들을 본래 의도에서 벗어난 다른 용도로 사용하지 않습니다.
작품 신청 비용은 심사 뿐 아니라 준비 과정에 필요한 것이므로 반환되지 않습니다