Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze
The Academy of Fine Arts in Florence is an institution of Higher Education in Art which has its roots in the humanistic tradition and grows and develops in the contemporary world in a continuous renewal of its useful. Attended by over 1,200 students in large part from all over the world (from Denmark to Greece, from 'Iran to Japan to China), the Florentine academy is structured in terms of three-year periods Specialists ordinary and Experimental; are scheduled Master's Degree in Art and Print Techniques from Master first level in Sacred Art and Forensic Expert in the Art Forgery (pilot project in Italy). In recent years, the Academy has opened more and more to the city and the region with exhibitions of students, exhibitions, conferences, public lectures will cloister, film screenings, performance events that have seen authoritative interlocutor by side with the other institutions responsible to the promotion of contemporary art.
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