Over the past 18 years, Corcoran has been the most in-demand and consistently awarded creative director/copywriter across the U.S. for over 700 advertising agencies, design... studios, interactive shops and directly with two dozen client marketers on over 600 brands. He has helped win 15 of 22 new business pitches thus far (.700%). Along the way, he has won over 300 major international/national/regional awards (including a D&AD Yellow Pencil, 6x One Shows, being Lürzer’s Archive Magazine’s #1 ranked U.S.-based copywriter of the decade from 2010-2020 and being the writer with the most work selected in Communications Arts' 2016 & 2019 Ad Annuals along with Graphis’ 2019 & 2020 Ad Annuals). He has also served as a One Show Print/OOH, Webby, Radio Mercury, Graphis Ad Annual, EFFIE, Minneapolis Show and American Advertising Awards Judge. His brand experience includes large marketers (adidas, Apple, Acura, Audi, BMW, Burger King, Citibank, Coke, Disney, Google, Jägermeister, McDonald’s, Mortal Kombat, NIKE, OPPO, PayPal, Porsche, Samsung, Skittles, SUBWAY, TESLA, Toyota, United Airlines), mid-size companies (Harley-Davidson, Northern Tool + Equipment, Pinkberry, The Islands of The Bahamas, Shiner Beers, Sun Country Airlines), start-ups (Dollar Shave Club, Scotch Porter, Spot Hero) and non-profits (Earth Justice, NOLS – National Outdoor Leadership School, The Peter G. Peterson Foundation). After graduating from Brainco in Minnesota and beginning his copywriting career at all three of Minneapolis' iconic agencies Carmichael Lynch, Fallon and Hunt Adkins, he went onto to freelance in all of the other major creative markets (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago and NYC).Read More
300+ including: D&AD Yellow Pencil, 6x One Shows/One Show Designs, Cannes, Clio, 10x CA Ad (Cover), Design, Interactive & Typography Annuals, AICP, Webbys, AIGA 365... (Denver Art Museum Permanent Design Archives), Type Directors Clubs, Obie, FWAs, Radıo Mercury Award Campaign Cash Prize Winner, New York Festivals, Applied Arts, Graphis (Platinum, 50x Gold/Silvers), 10x National/Regional/Local ADDYs, PRINT RDAs, HOW Annuals, AIGA Minnesota (Best of Show, 10x cubes), AdFed Minneapolis Show (Best of Show, 40x Gold/Silver/Bronze pushpins)Read More