Aalto University
The School of Arts, Design and Architecture is an institution of higher education for design, media, architecture, motion picture, art education and art. The new school, formed in a merger of the School of Art and Design and the Department of Architecture of the School of Engineering, will carry forward the internationally recognised expertise created by its predecessors. The new school combines the areas of design and implementation of human-oriented environments as well as areas of research and teaching based on humanistic and cultural traditions. Cooperation and interaction between the different disciplines of the school challenge technology-driven thinking and put greater emphasis on a human and user-centred approach in the creation of environments. The school's unique character is a result of its ability to combine experience stemming from a long tradition with new thinking in a way that enables new, creative solutions. The key areas of research are design, digital media, audiovisual representation, art, visual culture, well-being architecture and emerging technologies, and urban planning and design. The school produces specialists and innovators of art, design and architecture with strong artistic and technical skills. The links between teaching, research and artistic activities and other society, business and culture are active and very close. Partners include top Finnish and international universities and centres of expertise, such as MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Delft, KAIST, Chalmers and Nokia, Kone, Kodak, Toyota, Hyundai, Saab, Panasonic, ABB, Canon, Alessi, Marimekko, Iittala, Fiskars and Suunto.
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Marjatta Itkonen