July / August 2002
Cover Image: 
AlphaZ 33 motorboat, Alpha Designs / Alfonso Architects
Photo by Jorge Alvarez

The 340th issue of Graphis magazine features the following articles: Kenya Hara: Praise the Gap, by Maggie Kinser Saiki; Weigertpirouzwolf: Three Hungry Wolves, by Imke Lode; Visual Sleight of Hand: Ilan Rubin, by Jack Crager; Radically Swip Stolk, by Alain Weill; Craig Frazier: Things Are not What They Seem, by Kirk Citron; Roger Black, by Michael Kaplan; Cavarpayer: The Cooking Agency from Croatia, by Lazar Dzamic; VitroRobertson; and Heinz Edelmann, by Christoph Niemann.


6 Contributors

11 Brand Tyranny By Giles Dunn

13 Everything Changes but the Avant-Garde By Brad Holland

12 "Reflections in the Glass Ceiling" By Véronique Vienne

14 AlphaZ 33 motorboat design By Aric Chen

20 onetree: The Spirit of the Wood By Ken Schulman

28 Constructing an Alternative History of Modernism By Michael Webb

32 Kenya Hara: Praise the Gap By Maggie Kinser Saiki

As a spokesman for the next generation of Japanese designers, Hara, chosen to head the Nippon Design Center, infuses old traditions with new ideas.

54 Weigertpirouzwolf: Three Hungry Wolves By Imke Lode

Ever since they started their own ad agency in 1998, Michael Weigert, Bagher Pirouz and Ewald Wolf are hungry to create the best ads and lead the rest of the pack.

68 Visual Sleight of Hand: Ilan Rubin By Jack Crager

Israeli-born Ilan Rubin shoots photographs that blend the sublime with the absurd.

82 Radically Swip Stolk By Alain Weill

One of the Dutch design's prime movers, meet the man behind the Dutch magazine logo and the Groninger Museum identity.

100 Craig Frazier: Things Are not What They Seem By Kirk Citron

In 1996, the graphic arts lost a designer but gained an illustrator. Today, a restless perfectionist tries to remake the world in his own image.

112 Roger Black By Michael Kaplan

This publishing mogul's latest venture is heading south into the untapped markets of Mexico.

120 Cavarpayer: The Cooking Agency from Croatia By Lazar Dzamic

128 VitroRobertson

134 Heinz Edelmann by Christoph Niemann

As one of Europe's top design leaders speaking out against corporate design, Edelmann retains his sharp focus and sense of humor in this enlightening interview.

140 Earthly Bodies: Irving Penn's Nudes, 1949-1950 Reviewed by Iana Simeonov

143 Alexander Gelman

145 Japanese By Yoko Minai, Typesetting by Ray Liu

149 Spanish By Rita Garcia

153 German By Heinke Jenssen, Klaus Sticker

157 French By Caroline Droz, Charlotte Rahola; Margie Mounier for translation from French to English

Issue 340 - Digital Version

July / August 2002
Cover Image: 
AlphaZ 33 motorboat, Alpha Designs / Alfonso Architects
Photo by Jorge Alvarez

The 340th issue of Graphis magazine features the following articles: Kenya Hara: Praise the Gap, by Maggie Kinser Saiki; Weigertpirouzwolf: Three Hungry Wolves, by Imke Lode; Visual Sleight of Hand: Ilan Rubin, by Jack Crager; Radically Swip Stolk, by Alain Weill; Craig Frazier: Things Are not What They Seem, by Kirk Citron; Roger Black, by Michael Kaplan; Cavarpayer: The Cooking Agency from Croatia, by Lazar Dzamic; VitroRobertson; and Heinz Edelmann, by Christoph Niemann.


6 Contributors

11 Brand Tyranny By Giles Dunn

13 Everything Changes but the Avant-Garde By Brad Holland

12 "Reflections in the Glass Ceiling" By Véronique Vienne

14 AlphaZ 33 motorboat design By Aric Chen

20 onetree: The Spirit of the Wood By Ken Schulman

28 Constructing an Alternative History of Modernism By Michael Webb

32 Kenya Hara: Praise the Gap By Maggie Kinser Saiki

As a spokesman for the next generation of Japanese designers, Hara, chosen to head the Nippon Design Center, infuses old traditions with new ideas.

54 Weigertpirouzwolf: Three Hungry Wolves By Imke Lode

Ever since they started their own ad agency in 1998, Michael Weigert, Bagher Pirouz and Ewald Wolf are hungry to create the best ads and lead the rest of the pack.

68 Visual Sleight of Hand: Ilan Rubin By Jack Crager

Israeli-born Ilan Rubin shoots photographs that blend the sublime with the absurd.

82 Radically Swip Stolk By Alain Weill

One of the Dutch design's prime movers, meet the man behind the Dutch magazine logo and the Groninger Museum identity.

100 Craig Frazier: Things Are not What They Seem By Kirk Citron

In 1996, the graphic arts lost a designer but gained an illustrator. Today, a restless perfectionist tries to remake the world in his own image.

112 Roger Black By Michael Kaplan

This publishing mogul's latest venture is heading south into the untapped markets of Mexico.

120 Cavarpayer: The Cooking Agency from Croatia By Lazar Dzamic

128 VitroRobertson

134 Heinz Edelmann by Christoph Niemann

As one of Europe's top design leaders speaking out against corporate design, Edelmann retains his sharp focus and sense of humor in this enlightening interview.

140 Earthly Bodies: Irving Penn's Nudes, 1949-1950 Reviewed by Iana Simeonov

143 Alexander Gelman

145 Japanese By Yoko Minai, Typesetting by Ray Liu

149 Spanish By Rita Garcia

153 German By Heinke Jenssen, Klaus Sticker

157 French By Caroline Droz, Charlotte Rahola; Margie Mounier for translation from French to English

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