November / December 1944
Cover Image by E. Hafelfinger, Zurich
Issue 3/4 of Graphis magazine features an article on Fritz Pauli's Etchings from 1921-1943, written by Kurt Sponagel; Book Illumination at St. Gall, by Dr. Jos. Muller; Manuel Gasser's profile on Hans Fischer; and an article on Devotional Miniatures, written by Hans Kasser. Graphis' global vision continues with Prof. O. Fischer's article on Chinese Stone Engravings, W. Zimmermann's story, The World on Strings; Swiss Ex-Libris, by Hans Kasser; Gyger’s Map of Zurich, by Prof. Ed. Imhof; a story on Louis Barbedor, French Master of Penmanship; and C.F.O. Clarke's report on British War Posters.
115 Fritz Pauli, Etchings 1921-1943 (Kurt Sponagel)
131 Book Illumination at St. Gall (Dr. Jos. Muller)
140 Hans Fischer (Manuel Gasser)
161 Devotional Miniatures (Hans Kasser)
176 Chinese Stone Engravings (Prof. O. Fischer)
187 The World on Strings (W. Zimmermann)
199 Swiss Ex-Libris (H.K.)
212 Gyger’s Map of Zurich (Prof. Ed. Imhof)
218 Louis Barbedor, a French Master of Penmanship
227 British War Posters (C.F.O. Clarke)