ISSUE NO 117 1965
Cover Image by Flavio Costantini
Graphis magazine Issue 117 presents articles on Swiss Posters of the Past Year, written by Dr. Hans Curjel; American Illustrators, by Stanley Mason; Japan Advertising Artists Club-Selected Work of Young Japanese Designers at the JAAC Exhibition 1964, by Margit Staber; and Newsletters as a Form of Airline Promotion, by Siegfried Stulz. Artist profiles include Sail Steinberg, written by Manuel Gasser; Flavio Constantini, by Manuel Gasser; Laurent Pinsard: A Very Young French Photographer, by Françoise Stahly; and Hans Falk & Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Ber Besuch der Alten Dame, by Dr. Herbert Gröger.
8 Dr. Hans Curjel, Zürich: Swiss Posters of the Past Year
20 Manuel Gasser, Zürich: Sail Steinberg
34 Stanley Mason, Zürich: American Illustrators
46 Manuel Gasser, Zürich: Flavio Constantini
56 Margit Staber, Zürich: Japan Advertising Artists Club. Selected Work of Young Japanese Designers at the JAAC Exhibition 1964
70 François Stahly, Paris: Laurent Pinsard. A Very Young French Photographer
76 Siegfried Stulz, Zürich: Newsletters as a Form of Airline Promotion
80 Dr. Herbert Gröger, Zürich: Hans Falk, Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Ber Besuch der Alten Dame
84 Book Review