ISSUE NO 116 1964
Cover Image by Eduard Prüssen
Issue 116 of Graphis magazine presents articles on Art Directors Club of New York 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964, written by Adolf Wirz; Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts, by Michel Ragon; The Museum of Modern Art New York: Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers, by Elaine L. Johnson; English Merchants’ and Tradesmen’s Marks, by Stanley Mason; Donkey Post, by Eduard Prüssem; Towards an Internastion Symbology, by Stanley Mason; and Icograda: First Congress Zurich 1964, by Margit Staber. Artist profiles include Fernando Olmos, written by Carlos Nieto; José Pla-Narbona, by Juan Perucho; and Norman Lalibarté: Banners, by Nanine Bilski.
448 Adolf Wirz, Zürich: Art Directors Club of New York. 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964
464 Michel Ragon, Paris: Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts
480 Elaine L. Johnson, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers
494 Carlos Nieto, Madrid: Fernando Olmos
498 Juan Perucho, Barcelona: José Pla-Narbona
504 Stanley Mason, Zürich: English Merchants’ and Tradesman’s Marks
506 Nanine Bilski, New York: Norman Lalibarté. Banners
512 Eduard Prüssem, Köln: Donkey Post
514 Stanley Mason, Zürich: Towards an International Symbology
518Margit Staber, Zürich: Icograda. First Congress, Zurich, 1964