ISSUE NO 116 1964
Cover Image 
by ‎Eduard Prüssen

Issue 116 of Graphis magazine presents articles on Art Directors Club of New York 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964, written by Adolf Wirz; Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts, by Michel Ragon; The Museum of Modern Art New York: Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers, by Elaine L. Johnson; English Merchants’ and Tradesmen’s Marks, by Stanley Mason; Donkey Post, by Eduard Prüssem; Towards an Internastion Symbology, by Stanley Mason; and Icograda: First Congress Zurich 1964, by Margit Staber. Artist profiles include Fernando Olmos, written by Carlos Nieto; José Pla-Narbona, by Juan Perucho; and Norman Lalibarté: Banners, by Nanine Bilski.

448 Adolf Wirz, Zürich: Art Directors Club of New York. 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964
464 Michel Ragon, Paris: Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts
480 Elaine L. Johnson, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers
494 Carlos Nieto, Madrid: Fernando Olmos
498 Juan Perucho, Barcelona: José Pla-Narbona
504 Stanley Mason, Zürich: English Merchants’ and Tradesman’s Marks
506 Nanine Bilski, New York: Norman Lalibarté. Banners
512 Eduard Prüssem, Köln: Donkey Post
514 Stanley Mason, Zürich: Towards an International Symbology
518Margit Staber, Zürich: Icograda. First Congress, Zurich, 1964

Issue 116 - Digital Version

ISSUE NO 116 1964
Cover Image 
by ‎Eduard Prüssen

Issue 116 of Graphis magazine presents articles on Art Directors Club of New York 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964, written by Adolf Wirz; Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts, by Michel Ragon; The Museum of Modern Art New York: Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers, by Elaine L. Johnson; English Merchants’ and Tradesmen’s Marks, by Stanley Mason; Donkey Post, by Eduard Prüssem; Towards an Internastion Symbology, by Stanley Mason; and Icograda: First Congress Zurich 1964, by Margit Staber. Artist profiles include Fernando Olmos, written by Carlos Nieto; José Pla-Narbona, by Juan Perucho; and Norman Lalibarté: Banners, by Nanine Bilski.

448 Adolf Wirz, Zürich: Art Directors Club of New York. 43rd Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1964
464 Michel Ragon, Paris: Recent Examples of the Integration of the Arts
480 Elaine L. Johnson, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers
494 Carlos Nieto, Madrid: Fernando Olmos
498 Juan Perucho, Barcelona: José Pla-Narbona
504 Stanley Mason, Zürich: English Merchants’ and Tradesman’s Marks
506 Nanine Bilski, New York: Norman Lalibarté. Banners
512 Eduard Prüssem, Köln: Donkey Post
514 Stanley Mason, Zürich: Towards an International Symbology
518Margit Staber, Zürich: Icograda. First Congress, Zurich, 1964

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