ISSUE NO 115 1964
Cover Image by Celestino Piatti
The 115th issue of Graphis magazine features articles on EXPO – Design Aspects of the Swiss National Exhibition in Lausanne 1964, written by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Steendrukkerij de Jong & Co: Public Relations of a Dutch Lithographic Printer; and AGI – Congress at Alpbach and Exhibition in Hamburg, by Heiri Steiner. Artists profiled include Celestino Platti, written by Dr. Maria Netter; Herb Lubalin-Design and Art Director, by Marilyn Hoffner; and Robert Wyss, by Manuel Gasser.
362 Dr. Maria Netter, Basel: Ceelestino Platti
374 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zürich: EXPO – Design Aspects of the Swiss National Exhibition in Lausanne 1964
404 Marilyn Hoffner, New York: Herb Lubalin Design and Art Director
414 Opland, Amsterdam: Steendrukkerij de Jong & Co. Public Reletions of a Dutch Lithographic Printer
422 Manuel Gasser, Zürich: Robert Wyss
430 Heiri Steiner, Zürich: AGI – Congress at Alpbach and Exhibition in Hamburg
440 Book Review