ISSUE NO 110 1963
Cover Image by Walter Grieder, Basel
The 110th issue of Graphis magazine includes the following articles: Swiss Posters 1963, written by Dr. Maria Netter; The Posters for the Swiss National Exhibition 1964, by Dr. Maria Netter; Early Tourist Publicity in Switzerland, by Hans Kasser; Modern Tourist Publicity in Switzerland, by Dr. W. Kämfen & Dr. W. Rotzler; and Art Directors Club of New York 42nd Exposition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1963, by Bert W. Littman.
448 Dr. Maria Netter, Basel: Swiss Posters 1963
458 Dr. Maria Netter, Basel: The Posters for the Swiss National Exhibition 1964
460 Hans Kasser, Zürich: Early Tourist Publicity in Switzerland
478 Dr. W. Kämfen / Dr W. Rotzler, Zürich: Modern Tourist Publicity in Switzerland
498 Bert W. Littman, New York: Art Directors Club of New York. 42nd Exposition of Advertising and Editorial Art 1963
524 Book Review