ISSUE NO 107 1963
Cover Image by Riccardo Manzi, Milano
Graphis magazine Issue 107 presents articles on The Annual Report as a Design Challenge, written by Robert C. Hood; Graphic Artists Advertising Their Services, by Dr. Margot Seindenberg; Armenian Miniatures, by Lydia A Dournovo; Second British Poster Design Awards 1962/63, by William B. McDonald; The World of De La Rue, by Walter Herdeg; and Design ’63-The Eighth Annual Visual Communications Conference of the Art Directors Club of New York, by Allen Hurlburt. Artists profiled include Tim, written by Manuel Gasser; Riccardo Manzi, by Leonardo Sinisgalli; and Mario Prassinos, by Jean-Louis Ferrier.
184 Robert C. Hood, Marinette: The Annual Report as a Design Challenge
202 Leonardo SInisgalli, Roma: Riccardo Manzi
216 Dr. Margot Seindenberg, Bern: Graphic Artists Advertising Their Services
228 Jean-Louis Ferrier, Paris: Mario Prassinos
234 Manuel Gasser, Zürich: Tim
240 Lydia A Dournovo, Eriwan: Armenian Miniatures
244 William B McDonald, London: Second British Poster Design Awards 1962/63
248 Walter Herdeg, Zürich: The World of De La Rue
256 Allen Hurlburt, New York: Design ’63. The Eighth Annual Visual Communcications Converence of the Art Directors Club of New York
258 Book Review