ISSUE NO 106 1963
Cover Image by André François, Grisy-les-Platres
Issue 106 of Graphis magazine features articles on IBM-Portrait of an International Company, by Dr. Willy Rotzler; and International Car Advertising, by Hans Looser. Artist profiles include Fritz Bühler, by Dr. Walter Staehelin; 2 x André François, by Pierre Gascar; Saul Bass, by Raymond Gid; and Renzo Vespignani, by Renato Giani.
94 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zürich: IBM. Portrait of an International Company
114 Dr. Walter Staehelin, Basel: Frtiz Bühler†
122 Pierre Gascar, Paris: 2 x André François
128 Hans Looser, Zürich: International Car Advertising
150 Raymond Gid, Paris: Saul Bass
160 Renato Giani, Roma: Renzo Vespignani
172 Book Review