November / December 1962
Cover Image by Sam Francis, Santa Barbara (USA)
Graphis magazine Issue 104 presents the following articles: Swiss Posters 1962, written by Hans Kasser; Carpets by Abstract Painters, by Marcel Brion; Public Signs and Lettering, by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Inn-Signs against the Sky, by René Creux; Fomento des las artes decorativas Barcelona: Spain’s First Designers’ Association, by Sandro Bocola; Examples of Contempoary Pottery, by Michel Faré; On Corporate Images, by Will Burtin; and Sam Francis: Lithographs, by Manuel Gasser.
560 Hans Kasser, Zürich: Swiss Posters 1962
570 Manuel Gasser, Zürich: Sam Francis. Lithographs
576 Marcel Brion, Paris: Carpets by Abstract Painters
582 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zürich: Public Signs and Lettering
610 René Creux, Paudex/Lausanne: Inn-Signs against the Sky
618 Sandro Bocola, Paris Fomento des las artes decorativas Barcelona. Spain’s First Designers’ Association
626 Michel Faré, Paris: Examples of Contemporary Pottery
630 Will Burtin, New York: On Corporate Images
638 Book Reviews