May / June 1962
Cover Image 
by Felix Müller, Bremen

Issue 101 of Graphis magazines features articles on Italsider-The Graphis Profile of a Group of Italian Steelworks, written by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Art Directors Club of Los Angeles-A Selection from Three Annual Exhibitions, by E.W. Ted Poyser; The First British Poster Design Awards 1961-62, by Ken Baynes; 85 Feet of Adventure, by Arno Stern; Primitive Masters from Near and Far, by O. Bihalji-Merin; Unicef-Cards to Help the World’s Children, by Ken Baynes; and Modern Wall Treatments in Britain, by C.G. Tomrley. Artist profiles include Feliz Müller, written by Erich Traumann; Jacques Dubois, by Marcel Zahar; and Godi Hofmann, by Peter Althaus.

288 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zürich: Italsider. The Graphis Profile of a Group of Italian Steelworks
304 E.W. Ted Poyser, Los Angeles: Art Directors Club of Los Angeles. A Selection from Three Annual Exhibitions
312 Erich Traumann, Bremen: Feliz Müller
320 Marcel Zahar, Paris: Jacques Dubois
324 Peter Althaus, Luzern: Godi Hofmann
328 Ken Baynes, Zürich: The First British Poster Design Awards 1961-62
330 Arno Stern, Paris: 85 Feet of Adventure
336 O.Bihalji-Merin, Beograd: Primitive Masters from Near and Far
352 Ke Baynes, Zürich: Unicef. Cards to Help the World’s Children
358 C.G. Tomrley, London: Modern Wall Treatments in Britain
372 Book-Reviews

Issue 101 - Digital Version

May / June 1962
Cover Image 
by Felix Müller, Bremen

Issue 101 of Graphis magazines features articles on Italsider-The Graphis Profile of a Group of Italian Steelworks, written by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Art Directors Club of Los Angeles-A Selection from Three Annual Exhibitions, by E.W. Ted Poyser; The First British Poster Design Awards 1961-62, by Ken Baynes; 85 Feet of Adventure, by Arno Stern; Primitive Masters from Near and Far, by O. Bihalji-Merin; Unicef-Cards to Help the World’s Children, by Ken Baynes; and Modern Wall Treatments in Britain, by C.G. Tomrley. Artist profiles include Feliz Müller, written by Erich Traumann; Jacques Dubois, by Marcel Zahar; and Godi Hofmann, by Peter Althaus.

288 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zürich: Italsider. The Graphis Profile of a Group of Italian Steelworks
304 E.W. Ted Poyser, Los Angeles: Art Directors Club of Los Angeles. A Selection from Three Annual Exhibitions
312 Erich Traumann, Bremen: Feliz Müller
320 Marcel Zahar, Paris: Jacques Dubois
324 Peter Althaus, Luzern: Godi Hofmann
328 Ken Baynes, Zürich: The First British Poster Design Awards 1961-62
330 Arno Stern, Paris: 85 Feet of Adventure
336 O.Bihalji-Merin, Beograd: Primitive Masters from Near and Far
352 Ke Baynes, Zürich: Unicef. Cards to Help the World’s Children
358 C.G. Tomrley, London: Modern Wall Treatments in Britain
372 Book-Reviews

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