Entry GuidelinesGeneral InfoEnter Now
- All entries must be submitted online. See formats and specs below.
- We recommend that you have all details and information gathered when you are ready to submit.
- All information and credits should be complete & accurate at time of submission.
- Check spelling carefully on all log-in information, email addresses etc.
- If selected as a winner, all entrants should be prepared to send high resolution print-quality file(s).
Digital Image File Requirements
- Accepted File Formats: JPEG
- Suggested Compression: 10
- Resolution: 72 pixels/inch
- File size: 5Mb maximum
- Mode/Depth: RGB, 24-bits (8 bits per channel)
- Color Space: RGB
- Please do not submit entries in CMYK.
Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
Single Entry:
A Poster; a Book, Brochure, or Magazine cover; a single Ad, Logo, Photograph, Illustration, or work that can stand alone as a single image and properly represent your project.
Series Entry:
A series is an Advertising Campaign; a Poster, Branding, Photograph series; or a Book, Brochure, Magazine including one cover and up to six interior spreads. We also encourage a Glamour Shot which can be the first or last image.
Video Entry:
To submit a video, commercial, or motion graphics entry, paste the video's URL link from Vimeo.com or Youtube.com. Please ensure that the original video link remains active on YouTube or Vimeo so it can be viewed on the Graphis website.
Physical Entries:
Physical entries are NOT required to accompany your digital entry; however if you feel your entry has a tactile quality essential to the judging process, you may send the physical piece. All physical entries must include a label of the company/designer's name and the entry id# or title.
Winning Entries:
When the judging is over, selected winners will be asked to send high-resolution files, (Tiff, CMYK, 300dpi) for the winning work(s) to be published in the Annual. Graphis reserves the right to omit works, if the images provided are not of high quality.
Credits (Step 3 on the entry form):
- The main credits are shown with the artwork. Full credits appear in the back of the book.
- Additional credits may be added.
- NEW TALENT COMPETITIONS ONLY - Student entries that include imagery from other sources should add an “image source” credit.
All entries must be submitted according to the templates shown below in each category to be considered.
Branding Series:
Entry should include one single image for each element of the brand. Up to 7 images may be added. You may include a glamour shot. Single entry showing multiple elements of the brand will not be considered. Each file must follow the template below.

Entry should include the cover of the publication, followed by the 6 best spreads each as individual images.
You may also choose to include a glamour shot. Single entry showing a cover and multiple spreads will not be considered. Each file must follow the template below.
Download Editorial Template
Glamour Shots:
A glamour shot can be submitted as part of a series or stand alone as a single entry. Samples of glamour shots are below.

Include the logo on a white or black background as the first image. Additional supporting images of the logo application may be added as a series entry. Each file must follow the template below.
Download Logo Template