Letterhead Awards 10: Call For EntriesGuidelinesEnter Now

Graphis' prestigious Awards celebrate and honor the world's best talents through our competitions: Submit your work today! A reminder, Graphis Professional Members enjoy a discount on entry fees and discounts on publications, as well as full access to our website.

To receive Member discounts, join before submitting.


• Platinum, Gold, Silver winners and Honorable Mentions will be presented in our print Annual and permanently archived on the website.
• Platinum and Gold winners will receive full-page presentations in the Annual.
• Winners will be announced in a special blog post on the Graphis website, in the online gallery, and in our newsletter.
• Platinum and Gold Winners receive a complimentary Award certificate. Silver Award Certificates available for purchase.


Non-Member Single: $100
Non-Member Series/Video: $200
Member Single: $50
Member Series/Video: $100