Branding Awards 8: Call For EntriesGuidelinesEnter Now

Graphis' prestigious Awards celebrate and honor the world's best talents through our competitions: Submit your work today! A reminder, Graphis Professional Members enjoy a discount on entry fees and discounts on publications, as well as full access to our website.

To receive Member discounts, join before submitting.


• Platinum, Gold, Silver winners and Honorable Mentions will be presented in our print Annual and permanently archived on the website.
• Platinum and Gold winners will receive full-page presentations in the Annual.
• Winners will be announced in a special blog post on the Graphis website, in the online gallery, and in our newsletter.
• Platinum and Gold Winners receive a complimentary Award certificate. Silver Award Certificates available for purchase.


Our judging panel is made up of former Graphis Platinum and Gold winners, and Graphis Masters.

Adam Brodsley, Principal at Volume Inc.
Cristian ‘Kit’ Paul, Creative Director of Brandient
Sasha Vidakovic, Creative Director of SVIDesign


Non-Member Single: $150
Non-Member Series/Video: $300
Member Single: $75
Member Series/Video: $150