Graphis Advertising Awards 2026 Entry Form

Graphis Advertising Awards: Honoring Creative Talents, Mavericks, and Dreamers
The Graphis Advertising Awards celebrate the ad creatives who are pushing the boundaries in Advertising. You are the storytellers transforming commerce into culture and campaigns into movements. You're not just seeking accolades; you're making an impact. This Award is for those dedicated to the craft, driven by passion, and committed to the relentless pursuit of excellence. The Graphis Advertising Awards — this Award is for you.

Graphis Members save 50% off entries. Not a Member yet? Join before submitting.

  • Single Image

    One single image that represents your entry for Poster; a Book, Brochure, or Magazine cover; a single Ad, Logo, Photograph, Illustration, or other work that can stand alone with a single image.

  • Image Series (up to 7 images)

    A series is an Advertising Campaign; a Poster, Branding, Photograph series; or a Book, Brochure, Magazine including one cover and up to six interior spreads. We also encourage a Glamour Shot which can be the first or last image.

  • Film/Video

    To submit a video, commercial, or motion graphics entry, paste the video’s URL link from or