Michael Pantuso Artist | Illustrator | Graphic Designer Michael Pantuso is an internationally acclaimed artist, illustrator, and graphic designer whose work seamlessly blends imagination with intellectual depth.... With a career spanning decades, his creations explore the human experience, resonating with audiences across the globe. Specializing in branding, Michael integrates typography, color, imagery, and strategic messaging to craft communication experiences that are both visually striking and deeply meaningful. His portfolio includes collaborations with charities, non-profits, and educational institutions, reflecting his commitment to projects with cultural and social significance. Michael’s work has earned him 32 GRAPHIS Platinum and Gold Awards, alongside accolades such as the London International Creative Competition Award and recognition as a LUMEN Prize Finalist. His designs have been featured in prestigious publications, including the GRAPHIS Annuals and Journals, and his art has been exhibited in galleries and institutions worldwide. As a painter and digital artist, Michael explores the interplay between humanity and nature, creating works that challenge perceptions and evoke emotional connections. His artistic practice complements his design work, showcasing his versatility and ability to transcend mediums. Beyond his creative endeavors, Michael is a dedicated educator and advocate for community engagement. He frequently shares his expertise through academic forums and collaborates with humanitarian initiatives, underscoring his commitment to fostering creativity and social impact. Michael is the founder and creative leader of STUDIA, a brand design agency and art studio. STUDIA delivers strategic, innovative branding solutions for clients worldwide while also serving as a platform for Michael’s wide-ranging artistic explorations. With a legacy of thoughtful, authentic, and visionary work, Michael Pantuso continues to make a significant impact in the worlds of design and art.Read More
GRAPHIS Design Annual 2025 | Gold Award “Madoura's Embrace” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2024 | Platinum Award “Chelsea Bee” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2023 | 2 Platinum Awards, 11... Gold Awards, “GRAPHIS Designers For Peace and Poster Awards” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2023 | Gold Award “Serpentine Swan” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2022 | Platinum Award “Rooster” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2021 | Platinum Award “Flamingo” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2021 | Gold Award “Ladybird” Siena Creative Photo Awards 2020 | Commended Award "VIOLA BELLA at MOMA Chicago" GRAPHIS Exhibition in San Francisco 2020 Award of Merit Aug 2019 Spazio Tadini Museum in Milan, Italy GRAPHIS Design Annual 2020 | Platinum Award "Gulf of Mexico Series" Photography Annual 2019 | Gold Award "Viola Bella Pantuso | London Abby" GRAPHIS Design Annual 2019 | Platinum Award "EAGLE" GRAPHIS Design Annual 2019 | Gold Award "Vampire Squid" Discover Financial Presidents Award Nomination 2018 GRAPHIS Master 2018 SPARK Agency Award for Design 2018 GRAPHIS Design Annual 2018 | Platinum Award "CICADA" GRAPHIS Design Annual 2018 | Silver "FLY" LUMEN PRIZE Finalist 2017 GRAPHIS Design Annual 2017 | Gold Award "OCTOPUS" GRAPHIS Design Annual 2016 | Gold Award "Mechanical Mosquito Integration" LACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Art 2015 Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery 2015 W3 AWARD 2014 | Silver Award “Website Branding”, Silver Award “Website Self Promotion”, Silver Award “Website Visual Appeal” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2015 | Gold Award “Mechanical BEE Integration” GRAPHIS Design Annual 2015 | Gold Award "Mechanical SQUID Integration" The RX CLUB Silver Video Award 2012 “MERCK Infectious Disease Video (CAHG\TBWA Worldhealth Agency)” MM&M Award 2012 | Finalist “MERCK Infectious Disease Video (CAHG\TBWA Worldhealth Agency)”Read More