Teresa Fasolino
Teresa Fasolino lives and works in her Gramercy Park studio in New York City with her husband, sculptor Jordan Steckel, and their two rabbits, Antoine... and Albert. The studio is adjacent to the School of Visual Arts, her alma mater, where she presently teaches courses in Illustration, and the History of Illustration. Teresa Fasolino has worked for most of the major magazines, publishers, and advertising agencies, evolving and developing her particular and recognizable style of illustrative painting. In addition to working in the print media, she has worked with architects and space designers, creating paintings for restaurants at the World Trade Center, and an 8-foot mural of “Famous Italian Noses” for the Trattoria Dell’Arte restaurant in New York City.Read More
Art / Illustration
Silver Medal The Society of Illustrators, Communications Arts, Graphis Society of Publication Design Award of Merit